How One Can Improve Air Quality at Their Premises


Summary: Air quality testing helps in detecting indoor pollutants so that they could be removed before they cause any health problems. Here are the best and easy ways to improve the air quality in your day care starting today.

We spend a lot of time at work or in the car, but we spend more time in our homes than anywhere else. Shouldn't the air you breathe while inside your home be clean and free of allergens and dust? It all comes down to proper ventilation and filtration. The right HVAC system along with regularly changed air filters can provide your home with the cleanest possible air so you can rest easy knowing you're not breathing in any harmful airborne contaminates.

Improve the air quality inside the home

There are many things a homeowner can do to improve the air quality inside their home. Purchasing a standalone air purifier can help take contaminates out of the air and circulate clean, fresh air throughout the house. However, separate air systems are expensive. If your HVAC system is old or inefficient, you might want to look into replacing it with a new energy efficient model. If your current dispersion modeling system is operating correctly, all you really need to do is keep it clean and change the air filter.

Correct air filter for your home

Picking out the correct air exposure assessment filter for your home depends on a number of factors. First, you must choose a grade of filter that will form a barrier against the types of particles you are trying to guard against. The finer the fibers are, the more expensive they will be. However, in many cases, an average air filter should suffice as long as you take care to change it every 30-60 days.

There are also two different types of air filter to choose from

 Fiberglass filters are created from natural fibers and overlapped to create a fine mesh that will capture dirt particles and other small pollutants. Pleated filters are made from different materials and have a wavy surface area to help attract airborne particles.

You may have special circumstances that require you to purchase air filters that are specially designed for microscopic particles. This is particularly common in households where someone suffers from severe asthma. Specially designed air filters can trap up to 99% of all airborne allergens so the person can breathe easy when inside their own home.

Changing air filter every month

Changing your air quality modeling every month or two will keep the air circulating through your home clean, but if your doors and windows are not properly insulated, you'll be introducing more contaminates every day. Make sure your weather stripping is intact and no outside air is coming into your home. The extra dirt and dust that enters your home will end up flowing through your HVAC system, which can eventually clog it up if not cleaned regularly. The dust inside your ductwork should also be cleaned out on a regular basis to keep it from circulating throughout your home and into your lungs.

Keeping the air inside your home clean is easy if you take some simple precautions. Change your furnace filter regularly, keep your insulation intact and have your HVAC system inspected annually and you'll have clean, fresh air all year long.

Source control

Eliminating the sources of pollution or reducing their emission is the most effective way of improving the quality of interior air. You can seal sources that contain asbestos or adjust gas stoves to reduce emissions. Source control is the most cost-effective way of protecting the indoor environment.

Ventilation improvement

Increasing the amount of outdoor air entering the room is also a good way of reducing indoor pollutants. Not all heating and cooling units allow fresh air into the room. So, you can increase ventilation by opening the windows, operating window fans, or running an air conditioner with its vent control open. You can also install exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen to remove contaminants. These are particularly important when you engage in activities which generate pollutants, such as painting or paint stripping, using kerosene heaters, cooking, welding, or soldering. Ventilation improvement increases your energy costs by only a few dollars.

Air cleaners

Air cleaners may be relatively cheap tabletop models or costly whole-house systems. While most cleaners are effective at particle removal, most air cleaners are not designed to eliminate gaseous pollutants. The efficiency of a cleaner can be measured by the amount of pollutants it removes from the interior air and the amount of air it passes through the filtering element. A highly efficient device with a low air circulation rate or vice-versa will not prove worthwhile. A balance between these two functions has to be achieved for achieving good quality inside air.


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